Who are we

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Our Mission

Our mission is to develop mature, vibrant believers, who proclaim and share God’s gospel of love with all people through worship, the sacraments and teaching. We support social justice in our local, national and global communities as taught by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

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What is a Lutheran

Lutheranism is based on the teachings of Martin Luther, a German monk and professor who has been called the “Father of the Reformation.” He protested against the church practice of selling “indulgences” as a way for “paying” for sins and lessening time to be spent in Purgatory. In 1517 he nailed his “95 Theses” (questions for debate) to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. In his sermons and writings, Luther stressed the doctrine of justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers and the authority of scripture alone. To this day these are the hallmarks of the teachings of the Lutheran Church.

What we Believe

We believe in the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
God’s work began in creation, continued in the history of Israel, and centred in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The Spirit speaks to us to create and sustain Christian faith and fellowship for service in the world.
We accept the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God.
God’s message to us is both Law and Gospel in the Word of God.
We celebrate two sacraments, namely baptism and the Lord’s supper.
All are welcome to receive the sacraments.

Our History

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In the fall of 1950 after some initial mission development work under the guidance of Rev. Senft, pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran church, seven families gathered for Worship. In January of 1951 Grace Lutheran formalized as a congregation with 24 baptized members. No called ordained pastor and no building. The annual budget in 1951 was $2,145. In 1951 Melrose community hall which was situated on the site where our current building is located was purchased. Currently, we have a called ordained pastor, an administrative secretary and a multiple staff of seven part-time specialists, a solid functional building and a combined budget of $500,000. The 24 baptized members have grown to a membership of over 900 baptized.

Ministers and Staff

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Rev. David Lowe

Intentional Interim Pastor

Phone: 204.661.2562

Jo-Ann Filipowicz

Administrative Secretary

Phone: 204.661.2562
Email: glchurch@mymts.net

Vera Taylor

Assistant Administrative Secretary

Phone: 204.661.2562
Email: verataylor@mymts.net

Minister of Christian Education - currently vacant

Carla Veldkamp

Coordinator of Volunteers

Choral Music Leader

Rob Filipowicz


Get Involved!

Through ministry or fellowship, there are many opportunities to get involved at Grace for people of all ages.